Thursday, March 31, 2005

Dept. of Get a Clue

Principal bans blogging: "not educational", reports boingboing. Practice writing, researching (to find good links to illustrate one's point), fact checking, and perhaps even correcting oneself (It turns out that thing I wrote last week wasn't true. Maybe I shouldn't trust tabloids for my sources) -- yah, those are skills I would hate for young people to practice. Or am I deceiving myself -- perhaps teens write only unsupported, unlinked, ungrammatical gossip about each other?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Experience and common sense would rather seem to indicate that students who actually conduct responsible, constructive blogging (like yours) will continue to do so on their own time (as you do, assuming you don't blog at work).

They would also suggest that most students' blog entries are more concerned with idle gossip, passing along cheat-answers, and the size of "[person's name]'s butt". (Oh, and "deep insightful poetry" about the ennui in which they're drowning.)