Friday, March 04, 2005


I'm not surprised that the handsome old building off Broad and Boulevard doesn't meet modern baking needs. I am not surprised to hear that Interbake to close Richmond plant. I occasionally get a wiff of the vanilla smell of baking at this house, but I enjoyed it most in that first apartment, on Park at Strawberry. I will miss that a lot.


vj said...

Oh man, that's sad from a Girl Scout perspective...I used to be so proud when Mom and Dad would drive by the factory, knowing they baked our sacred cookies. I always asserted that I was taking a whiff of the flower-shaped shortbread cookies...

Anonymous said...

Agreed, that is sad, not just for GS cookies, but for everyone who felt like they were putting on pounds just smelling the chocolate while walking nearby.

Mmmmm... fattening air....

Lisa said...

Many Richmonders are miffed to learn that the local GS council does not use Interbake - FFV. In blind taste tests, our GS cookie committee members repeatedly choose Little Brownie's products, so we use them.