Saturday, April 12, 2008

Books: Mudbound by Hillary Jordon. Like books by all the authors to whom I want to compare her, this one has left me haunted by its characters. If you like Faulkner, Kingsolver, Caldwell, or Lee Smith, give this one a try.

Also, Selling Good Design, a book about the "exhibits" of modern furniture that department stores put on in the late 1920s; exhibits that helped move "modern" from the potentially bizarre and outre to an acceptable way to decorate.

Garden: tried to rake up the last of the willow oak leaves, but with those skinny things, some always escape. Finished just before a midday thunderstorm. Lily of the valley and bleeding heart blooming happily; hyacinths nearly done.

Spring cleaning: yeah, did some, mostly so I could reward myself and sit and read

Yard birds: grackles, juncos, house sparrows, purple finches, mourning doves, red-bellied woodpeckers, carolina wrens, cardinals

Listening: to P doing his radio show


Anonymous said...

Look at you giving the Hollins grad props! Lee Smith is fantastic, and much less dull than her classmate, Annie Dillard. Have you read our other Pulitzer Prize winner, Kiran Desai? Oh yeah baby, HOLLINS ROCKS!!

Anonymous said...

I wrote that too quickly, what I meant was Lee Smith is FAR MORE interesting than Annie Dillard. I was just so excited about the Hollins reference!