Friday, October 21, 2005

Guest Blogger: Traveling Pants

CNB e-mailed to tell me about the pants she just bought (and later granted permission to share this with you all):

Can I just say that I'm fascinated with the whole idea of package tracking.

I ordered a pair of pants from Lands End the other day and they've sent me both confirmation and shipment info emails detailing for me everything I need to know about a single pair of pants. I just checked the link to the UPS site to see where my pants were, and tracked the pants from Wisconsin to Pennsylvania to Maryland. At 3:30 AM these pants were in PA, and at 5:30, when I woke up, they were arriving in MD. According to the web page the pants have already been delivered to my house.

I know this is probably really boring, but I find it fascinating and can't get over how incredible the whole system is. . . . It's like my pants are the special ambassadors from Trouserland or something, and they must be tracked for fear of offending the tribal overlords or something.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

PantS are never boring...especially tracking them! Of course saying you are a PantS Tracker may suggest a skill like a deer or bear tracker.
But I digress from my odd tangent.

Still looking for matching jumpsuits....
