Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Would you, could you in a house?
According to The Mini Page (February 29, 2004), Dr. Seuss won awards for McElligot's Pool (1947), Bartholomew and the Oobleck (1949), and If I Ran the Zoo (1950). What's up with that?? I never heard of the first; the second I encountered as an adult: a science project for kids that I learned about as a GS leader involves making a corn starch-based fun putty dubbed oobleck; and maybe we checked the third out of the library -- it sounds vaguely familiar. My favorites included Go, Dog, Go; One Fish Two Fish, Green Eggs and Ham, and How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Let's hear from our studio audience: what Seuss books would you give prizes to?

UFOs, Bigfoot, Jacksons, oh my
Thanks to Friday, at UNC's library school, for bringing this important archives matter to my attention: Exclusive! It's Doom for Tabloid Archives!

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