Tuesday, March 16, 2004

The paint-by-number of two ballet dancers -- the first one I completed from my PBN calendar kit -- hangs on the wall in "Arrested Development." I think it was in the sister's room. I started the flamingo one last week, but haven't gotten very far. I use generous amounts of paint and so will soon need to go buy more.

A squirrel chomped one of my first two blooming daffodils.

"Tears of a Clown" on the Muzak at Ukrop's. And a Carly Simon song piped from the overhang at an Exxon station . . . I can't think which song, though.

Well: gas in the car, food in the fridge, cold rain falling: it must be time to head to D.C. How's 95, Mr. Mt. Vernon?

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