Thursday, December 02, 2004

Seventh Grade
Today I got to analyze "I'm Nobody!" with middle schoolers. That's right: Emily, me, and about 60 twelve-year-olds. We talked about the pros and cons of fame (with "stalkers" coming up ever block as a con: o, sad world), rhyme and rhythm, what "livelong" means, and what the bog symbolizes. I mentioned that Emily and I went to the same college just to see them struggle to figure out when she lived and if I could be that old. . . .

Eternal Question
As you know if you were watching CBS last night, it is that time of year when we ask the persistent question: What is wrong with the doll? (Search for "doll" on that page, and also for "peppermint" for an interesting note about a cut scene.)

The only thing I miss about Main Street Brewery is the fabulous lights they put in the trees on Main. "Uptown"/Candyland is bright with white lights, but Mr. Taylor on Davis has only put up some blue ones so far.

Capital City weather: clear and 50ish

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