Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Victorian Names of the Week

From photos in the VHS collection:

Bathia Thomas Hundall
Creed Thomas Knight
Wray Thomas Knight
Delight Thomas Davis
John Deleplane Danforth
Miss Everlina Walker, of Walkerton (This King & Queen Co. resident went to the Davis Gallery, on Broad, to have her picture made.)


Anonymous said...

is it really hundall? i think *hudnall* is a name of some business in richmond, if i'm remembering correctly, though it's entirely possible i'm not. it's been 20 years since i lived in richmond :-]

Daniel said...

Chiming in with the anonymous respondent, I do know that Hudnall is an old Richmond name.

Also, "Deleplane" caught my eye (and dragged it fifteen feet???)

"Delaplaine" is an old name in Frederick, Maryland. The family still owns the newspaper (the ever-exciting Frederick News-Post). Wonder if there's a connection?

Lisa said...

I did write down "Deleplane" carefully, because I was pretty sure that the town south of Winchester, Va., is spelled differently. It's "Delaplane," according to my road atlas.