Sunday, April 25, 2004

The Fan District Association will vote next month to cross Main Street and include my sliver of the city in that powerful neighborhood association. Read about it at the FDA HomePage, third item in the Announcements section. The benefits: advocay for urban concerns; an informative newsletter on my doorstep monthly (instead of happening upon it at World Cup). The only drawback that leaps to mind: I think the FDA goes around asserting that one's window A/C unit, place in a street-facing window, disrupts the integrity of our historic neighborhood. That seems narrow-minded. After all, we do drive a cars and prefer the city gas works to having coal delivered.

Thick as Thieves
Can I quantify the density of elm and maple seeds, and oak flowers, in such a way that I can compare it to the density of For Sale signs? Which is greater? As someone without allergies, I'd say the For Sale Signs.

Final exams: 2
Final papers and projects: 3

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