Monday, December 05, 2005

I Owe Someone a Dollar

I can't remember if I made the bet with Mom or Dad, but yesterday, when we were at the farm in 60+ degree weather, I asserted "there's no way it's going to snow tomorrow." When we woke up to snow this morning, I figured it wouldn't last. It snowed all day, accumulating on cars right away, but not on the ground, much, until recently. It's too deep in the grass at P's apartment for me to walk in without boots.

Click "slide show" here to view pictures courtesy of the TD.


Anonymous said...

oooooh, I cannot be angry at *you, for you are a nice person, so I will just be plain daggoned mad at the world that you got freaking snow!!

Admittedly, I chose to live where I do, but c'mon, it's just one state down...I want snow, and I want it now!!!

Thanks for the pointer to the slideshow. Maymont is so awesome when it snows.

Anonymous said...

One must take care for what one wishes... One might get it.

(Good luck with that.)

Anonymous said...

I have given my swimmers special instructions on how to do my patented New York, "hip hip hurrah rah, no school tomorrah" dance. We'll see if the power of prayer really works!