Thursday, March 19, 2020

Recommendations in the Time of COVID19, part 2

Graphic Novels and the Like

Many public libraries buy into the digital hoopla collection for their patrons -- this service offers music, steaming video, and books including comics and graphic novels. Henrico's collection includes Joe Hill's Locke & Key which you may have gotten sucked into via Netflix (surely that wasn't just me?)

hoopla 220

Some things I've read recently that I recommend are below. If you're here in Richmond, local booksellers are delivering. I know Chop Suey will order books for you.

Chop Suey Books

Fountain Bookstore

Small Friend Records & Books

Sara Berman's Closet

A great example of the art -- photos and paintings -- being as much of the point as the biographical story of a Greenwich Village personality.

Sara Berman's closet

Spill Zone

When Scott Westerfeld brings his A game, it's an A+. He captures young people's voices well and brings us amazing post-apocalyptic visions. This cover doesn't do the art justice: Puvilland uses vivid color to convey the spill zone itself.

Spill zone. Book 1'



I approach things that are Girl Scout or summer camp-adjacent with trepidation. I fear lack of the proper reverence, knowledge, or simply not getting it. The creators of Lumberjanes get it and have nothing but love for girls' camps. In this series, our heroines take on magical monsters, champion friendship and teamwork, earn badges -- and try to make curfew.

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