Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Go Back to Suburbia!

Yeah, you, lady: the one parked on Cary Street who opened the window of your bigger-than-my-kitchen SUV so as to reach out your dainty, tanned arm and dump coffee in the street in front of me. Okay, I was driving, not walking: but still -- that nice rainstorm yesterday cleaned off the car real good! It doesn't want a shot of caffeine!

On the Muzak at Ukrop's: "Voices Carry" and "Got My Mind Set on You."
Also at Ukrop's: I'm liking the small, two-tier urban hipster shopping carts (like black version of #5341, here*)
At the Byrd: 300

*Bonus Information Services Lesson:
Use your search engine's "advanced search" feature if your search results include zillions of things from a different field. For example, I redid that random search and used the "without" box: without "software," please: I am not looking for a program for use on a shopping website.


Fringe Element Enthusiast said...

People like that should be spayed so they can't breed future idiots.

Allan said...

That lady is not only rude and thoughtless, she ALSO wastes coffee! Tsk.
Seen Cotton? I'm stalking him.

Lisa said...

You know, Allan, Cotton's elusive. I never know when he'll show up.

You did nice work with him on the show on Saturday.