Birding Update
We did spot a variety of species on Sunday evening and ended the GBBC on a high note:
white-throated sparrow
carolina wren
brown creeper
song sparrow
mocking bird
ruby-crowned kinglet
yellow-rumped warbler
Speaking of notes, Found at the Library:
"Sells in Farm every Saturday
Extra money for organic.
A lil harder to grow organically
Why price is higher."
[on torn end of notebook paper, in a grown person's handwriting, probably]
"False for Vicki
False for me
Clicked stop/start
True for me"
[on pink sticky note]
NOT Found
The army green ("with little Air Force patches, in fact" reports big brother) jacket of a small patron. Mother came back in when the two boys couldn't locate it. She yelled at SP a bit (HOW COULD YOU LOSE IT!? WE WEREN'T IN HERE TEN MINUTES?), then snipped at staff a bit.
Though computers were crashing around me, and though the tone of her voice made my shoulders tense up, I had the presence of mind to reply that No, we don't have a "form for when something is stolen or lost in the library," but that I would be happy to call the police -- "The police!" She snorted. "I'm not wasting my time!" -- Or take her name and number and call if it turned up at the library.
Whew: the right answer. Like so many customer service hot-under-the-collar moments, listening and a small action did the trick.
Happy Thinking Day to Girl Scouts and Girl Guides Everywhere!
How weird! Our local paper said the most common birds observed were grackles, sea gulls and
Canadian geese...I don't even tend to think of those as birds I would document, but I guess every bird counts. :)
I guess I am in touch with "every bird counts" because one of the things I like about birdwatching is that it can satisfy my aquisitive nature. It's a collection that needs way less space than my dishes or furniture or books. In my head or on paper I can list how many I found -- and that's it.
Of course, birds are also pretty, and I enjoy the challenge of learning to name them, or (ha) identify them by song or call.
A veritable bird festival in Easterwood Park today, the park that adjoins Carver High in lovely West Baltimore.
Didn't actually take count but: one owl (not sure what SORT of owl), woodpecker (heard but not seen), a rather frighteningly large turkey buzzard, and of course nine zillion crows and a fair complement of seagulls as well.
Wow, Dan, an urban park owl?! Cool.
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