Monday, December 28, 2009


My alma mater uses Facebook to keep current students and alumnae connected via announcements, pictures, videos, and the occasional discussion question. At the beginning of the fall semester, we were invited to recall move-in day. Oddly, one of my strongest memories has to do with breakfast that day. (I shared it more briefly than what follows.) We drove up from Virginia the day before move-in day and stayed at a hotel in Springfield. We had breakfast (in the then-still revolving-roof restaurant?? could that be true?) in the hotel. My nervous tummy lead me to order waffles - nice and bland. The waitress kindly said something along the lines of, You don't really want that - they're just frozen ones. I don't remember what I said as I ordered them anyway. I hope I showed my appreciation, because it was a kind gesture in the face of my - unknown to her - queasiness.

I had another meal on a nervous tummy with the folks, tonight. This time, add in my husband, but the reason is, once again, loaded with potential good. We'd just been looking at some houses Phusband and I are considering buying. I know they are just trying to keep me grounded and sensible, but my parents' talents at pointing out potential drawbacks are enough to make even stronger stomachs than mine sink. I had choked down just one piece of pizza. We started the meal with an unfamiliar waitress, but a favorite waitress checked on us and brought us the bill. Perhaps a good sign?

Friday, December 04, 2009

Values Study

When a study is done on something like making choices, how does one know the difference between what people say they would do and what they really do? Maybe the new Girl Scout Research Institute study simply indicates that more kids know how to give the Right Answer. Young people believe they should say the right answer is "smoking is not acceptable." It may not be what they live. I certainly see more than 18% of young people smoking when I'm on a campus or out. Of course, the study didn't survey college-aged people; it stopped at people in 12th grade. Maybe they all turn the minute they leave high school. I thought the point of instilling values, practicing making good choices was to help them, at age 16 or 22 or 27, turn away when asked to try something risky, unhealthy, or bad.